MAKE THE BEST OF THE SLOWDOWN WITH A WELL-PLANNED RENOVATION At a recent California Lodging Investment Conference, we heard from hoteliers who are taking a beating from the coronavirus crisis. […]
MAKE THE BEST OF THE SLOWDOWN WITH A WELL-PLANNED RENOVATION At a recent California Lodging Investment Conference, we heard from hoteliers who are taking a beating from the coronavirus crisis. […]
COMPLEX REGULATORY NUANCES REQUIRE GUIDANCE FROM CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALISTS. When it comes to multifamily acquisitions, accessibility compliance presents unique challenges. A host of different legislation and regulations may come into […]
HOW TO BALANCE COMPLIANCE AND PRESERVATION Think your property is exempt from the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) because of its age? Think again! There is no grandfather clause under Title III […]
COMPLIANCE CRITICAL FOR RETAIL PROPERTY STAKEHOLDERS Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a hot topic for anyone who owns, manages or lends on retail properties. The ADA […]
HOW TO BEST CAPITALIZE ON HOT SUBSECTOR Despite leading economists’ forecast of a coming real estate slowdown, the demand for industrial space remains strong. Competition is fierce as investors seek […]