In this Globe St. article, Jason Coray discusses building stability and how to assess the seismic risk and building stability for your commercial real estate (CRE) property or portfolio.
In this Globe St. article, Jason Coray discusses building stability and how to assess the seismic risk and building stability for your commercial real estate (CRE) property or portfolio.
By Katie L. Morgan, PWS, EP | Published on Oct. 30, 2023 in Utilities Tech Outlook Taking a scientific and engineering approach in your due diligence process will ensure your […]
PROPOSED REVISIONS AND CHANGES UNDER REVIEW The current standard for the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527-13, is up for renewal, with a final deadline for the new E1527-21 standard in January […]
Environmental Risk Assessment for UK Investors Environmental issues can cause a real headache for commercial real estate investors in the United Kingdom. To protect yourself against costly cleanups, delays, or lowered […]
RESILIENCY AND CONTINGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT FOR PROTECTING PROPERTIES June marked the beginning of the yearly hurricane season, with the bulk of Atlantic storm activity historically occurring between the months of […]
MIXED MARKET SIGNALS CALL FOR SOUND RISK MANAGEMENT TOOLS Many lenders have turned to construction lending in the search for increased yield but increasing uncertainties have made it harder to […]
STAY AHEAD OF REGULATION CHANGES AND MANAGE RISK On June 26, 2016, in a national referendum on continuing membership in the European Union, Britons voted to leave 52 to 48 percent. […]
Manage Risk, Stay Ahead of Changing Guidelines On June 26, 2016, in a national referendum on continuing membership in the European Union, Britons voted to leave 52 to 48 percent. A […]
BASE INVESTMENTS ON SOUND MARKET STRATEGIES As commercial real estate stakeholders look ahead to 2019, they are basing investments and strategies based on market projections, a possible late-cycle downturn, and […]