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Nicole Bartlett

Director of EV Charging


Located in

New York, New York

Master of Public Administration | University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Bachelor of Science, Architecture | Georgia Institute of Technology


Nicole Bartlett is the Director of EV Charging at Partner Energy. In her role, she oversees and manages Partner’s end-to-end EV Charging program, where she leads her team to provide multidisciplinary services that help clients navigate and install the right EV charging solutions for their properties. Services offered include Financial Analysis, Feasibility Assessments, Utility Capacity Analysis, Compliance Consulting, Schematic Design, Electric, Civil, and Structural Design, Rebates and Incentives, and Hybrid Energy Solutions.

With extensive field and portfolio management experience in building science, Ms. Bartlett has worked closely with institutional property owners, asset managers, and fund managers such as Invesco Advisors Inc., Nuveen, KKR, and NYL Investors LLC. She is well-versed with multifamily, retail, commercial, health care, and industrial property types.

She previously served as a Project Manager, where her responsibilities included coordinating the completion of Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) and other scopes of work, primarily for equity level clients, and performing technical reviews of PCAs.


20+ years of experience in architecture and project management
4+ years performing Property Condition Assessments (PCAs)
Experience with residential, multi-family, retail, and office design

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