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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
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Geotechnical Services

Whether you are developing a property, having problems with settlement or slope stability, or simply evaluating a site, understanding the ground beneath your feet can be critically important. Partner consistently delivers reliable, targeted, cost-effective geotechnical solutions across the U.S. Our integrated, multidisciplinary approach and supplemental services make it easy for clients to understand and manage geotechnical issues. Partner’s experienced point of contact will be able to support your specific project needs every step of the way.

What to Expect: Geotechnical Exploration – 5-Step Process

Learn more about what to expect with this informative document outlining the 5-step process to Geotechnical Services.

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Digging Deeper

Our Geotechnical Services team is experienced working with owners, facilities managers, real estate brokers, developers, telecom/utility companies, governmental agencies, attorneys, and retail chains. We support a wide range of project types including commercial, multifamily, industrial, educational, healthcare, infrastructural, and renewable energy developments. Our proven process, reviewing data from private and public sources and extensive experience with a wide variety of exploration techniques, develops cost-effective custom-tailored solutions to help with design, budgeting, and construction.

In the event that expert services are needed, we can also support you with highly detailed reports including actionable and decisive opinions. If you have any questions about our laboratory testing, techniques, engineering analyses, and fieldwork that Partner employs, please contact us.

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