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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
You are here: Home » Services » Land Surveying & Zoning » Flood Elevation Certificates

Flood Elevation Certificates

Partner is an expert in coordinating FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Elevation Certificates. A FEMA elevation certificate (EC) is an administrative tool of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is to be used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances. It is required by most insurance agents to determine the proper insurance premium rate that reflects your risk.

In addition to Flood Elevation Certificates, Partner offers the following related services:

Land Surveying & Zoning

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What's Involved

Partner’s Flood Elevation Coordination Services include:

  • Elevation Certificate
  • LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment)
  • LOMR (Letter of Map Revision)
  • Subsidence

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Frequently Asked Questions

A flood elevation certificate helps clients to determine the precise location of their property in relationship to the base flood elevation. If your property is located within a flood hazard zone as determined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) you may be required to complete a flood elevation certificate in order to purchase flood insurance, as a part of the sale of the property or as a part of a new construction or remodeling process for a building.

An elevation certificate measures and records the elevations around a property and compares them to the floodplain elevations determined by FEMA. This process allows owners to demonstrate compliance with flood plain management ordinances and helps an insurance estimator or public officials determine the actual flood risk to a property.

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