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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
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Cody Taylor

National Account Manager


Located in

Las Vegas, Nevada
  • REA 1, Environmental Professional
  • Multi-Scope Engineering Leader 2022, Partner Engineering
  • Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Analysis and Criminal Justice, University of California Irvine
  • Hazardous Materials Management Certificate Courses, University of California Irvine
  • OSHA HazWhopper


Cody Taylor is a Principal and International Account Manager with over 30 years of experience managing commercial real estate due diligence and site development engineering throughout the World. His responsibilities include national and international inspection coordination, multi-scope asset proposal/contract negotiations/execution, national and international portfolio assessment coordination, and full-phase site development engineering consulting including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Subsurface Investigations, Environmental Remediation, Asbestos, Lead Paint, and Radon Surveys, Commercial Building/Facility Condition Assessments, Seismic/Structural/Balcony Evaluations, ADA Evaluations, Roof Programs, Valuation Services, ALTA Surveys, Zoning Reports, Geotechnical Investigations, Energy/Solar Design Evaluations, and Construction Monitoring.

Mr. Taylor has assessed and managed over 20,000 commercial real estate transactions throughout his professional career including several multi-million dollar asset portfolios consisting of a 29-site commercial office property acquisition, two 1,200-site cellular tower transactions, a 215-site regional shopping center vacancy evaluation, a 25-site regional grocery-store chain environmental/survey evaluation, a 16-site multifamily apartment building acquisition, a 10-site residential development acquisition, and 5-site Class A multi-specialized-scope building acquisition inspection. These transactions have included some or all of Partner’s core engineering due diligence services described above. He routinely manages national asset/developer clients to evaluate the environmental and structural risks associated with commercial/industrial properties prior to acquisition.  These risks may be associated with past hazardous materials use (i.e., gasoline stations, dry cleaners) which require historical research combined with subsurface evaluations to assess for contamination that could devaluate the property or create a human health concern to occupants or construction workers; evaluate for asbestos, lead-based paint, and radon to determine the need for abatement or venting systems; evaluate the structural integrity of the building and assess for seismic retrofit; evaluate the roof, mechanical, electrical, plumbing systems (i.e., elevators, HVAC systems, sewer); evaluate for American Disabilities Act (ADA) deficiencies (i.e., ramps, railings, access); survey the property boundaries (i.e., ALTA Surveys); evaluate the subsurface conditions for construction suitability (i.e., Geotechnical Investigations); Civil Engineering/Design and energy studies of the site building to meet with current requirements and systems efficiencies.

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