Certifications and Training
A founding member, shareholder and executive member of Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. (Partner), Nicole TK Moore serves as the National Technical Director for the Environmental Consulting Practice where her expertise has been instrumental in propelling the firm to the top of the industry. By creating and implementing a detailed and invaluable training program and by providing on-going guidance for existing and new Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) professionals across the company, Ms. Moore continually advances Partner’s technical excellence in the field. Ms. Moore plays a critical role in recruitment, on-boarding and training of staff and Project Managers in the environmental group. Under her directorship, Partner’s Environmental Practice has grown fifty-fold. Ms. Moore not only pushes her staff to be the best in the industry, she also has played a key role during her 20+ years in the ESA industry in progressing the industry itself. By being a member of ASTM International (ASTM) and the Environmental Bankers Association (EBA), she has influenced significant changes to ASTM, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and other ESA scopes.