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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
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January 20, 2011

EDR: Partner is Nation’s Leading Due Diligence Firm

By Partner ESI

January 20, 2011 — El Segundo, CA — Partner Engineering and Science, Inc, a national provider of environmental and engineering due diligence services, has been rated the #1 environmental due diligence firm in the United States for Q4 2010 by EDR ScoreKeeper – the nationwide market monitor for the industry, announced President Joseph Derhake, PE.

Published by Environmental Data Resources, Inc., the leading provider of environmental risk information services and related workflow applications in the country, The EDR Scorekeeper is the market monitor for the environmental due diligence industry providing strategic and quantitative analysis of Phase I Environmental Site Assessment activity nationally, regionally and by state.

According to the EDR Scorekeeper, Partner performed more than 1,800 Phase 1 ESA’s in the fourth quarter 2010, tripling the amount of reports the firm conducted over the same time last year. Torrance, Calif.‐based firm with 17 offices nationwide also was the first or second ranked firm by ESAs performed firm in Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.

“Partner has been able to grow steadily by servicing a wide range of real estate transactions including new loans as well as foreclosures,” says Derhake. “The hallmark of our success is our extremely talented team of scientists who can evaluate a real estate asset’s environmental liability under all accepted standards, while at the same time understanding the business objectives and special needs and requirements of every type of lender. Our largest client segments have been those with a public element such as Fannie Mae lenders, Freddie Mac lenders, FHA lenders, and SBA lenders.”

One of the fastest growing private companies in the United States, Partner is a national environmental and engineering consulting firm focusing on real estate due diligence, building sciences, construction monitoring, and environmental site remediation services. Since its inception in 2008, the firm has grown to become one of the leading environmental due diligence firms in the nation with 120 professional staff in 17 offices throughout the United States.

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