If you are transacting a contaminated property in Michigan, you need to understand Michigan’s Baseline Environmental Assessment and Due Care Obligations. Partner’s Wes Skinner, CHMM explains what buyers and lenders need to know in this short video blog.
PFAS consist of a class of chemicals widely used for manufacturing, and PFAS contamination has been a growing concern across the country. In Michigan, numerous sites have been discovered with high levels of PFAS in drinking water or surface waters, with sources including common manufacturing operations like plating. As a result, potential PFAS use is factoring more into how environmental professionals approach due diligence. Read more in this recent blog by environmental professional and Technical Director, Suzi Rosen, PG .
Vapor Intrusion is a growing source of concern for real estate owners due to the volatile nature of organic compounds and their ability to impact air, soil, water and neighboring properties. The MDEQ proposed extensive new cleanup criteria rules for environmental assessments and on-site remediation of vapor intrusion, and is re-evaluating previously closed sites throughout the state. While the changes are still in review, MDEQ has implemented the evaluation of potential vapor intrusion risk as part of the “No Further Action (NFA)” standard requirements. Make sure to engage with Suzi Rosen, PG for guidance and help navigating through the regulatory process and reaching the NFA status.
In case you missed it, check out Partner’s webinar about the technical application of recent Vapor Intrusion regulation changes and the updated clean up criteria for Michigan.
Partner grabs their tools to go work for Habitat for Humanity! In addition to volunteer events at Habitat for Humanity Restore locations, the Michigan office has helped build two residences in the state.