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August 2, 2016

New Survey: Taking the Temperature on Environmental Risk

By Partner ESI

We are teaming up with to get insight on how the Commercial Real Estate industry feels about environmental risk today. We’d love you to participate – click here to take the survey!

How Has Our Risk Tolerance Changed Over Time?

How does the industry really see and approach environmental issues today? How often do environmental issues impact a deal? What do we consider to be deal-killing concerns, and what are critical environmental due diligence steps and how willing are we to utilize creative measures to get a deal done?

Environmental issues can create delays and liabilities, and affect returns on investment for those across the CRE industry. In some cases, environmental concerns may derail an entire deal. The risk landscape has changed in recent years: our understanding of environmental concerns has advanced and there is increased regulatory focus on managing the risk they pose. Despite this, some suggest that today’s competitive CRE market—driven by low interest and cap rates, and strong investor demand and property values—is pushing the industry to raise their tolerance and lower underwriting standards when it comes to environmental risk.

We’ve launched a survey to take the temperature on the industry’s perception of environmental risk. Responses will be compared to data from previous surveys to paint a picture of how our tolerance has changed over the years (and whether it’s time to brush up your environmental risk management policies!)

Take the survey now! You may enter your name into our draw for a chance to win one of three $100 American Express cards.

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