Since 2021, Partner has provided compliant solutions helping Jamboree Management (Jamboree) secure HUD Green MIP loans, applicable for qualifying green and energy-efficient housing. Partner delivered various scopes including ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Benchmarking services.
Partner also provided CA SB721 Balcony Inspections services for their large portfolio.
Jamboree manages multifamily and industrial properties in Southern California and New Mexico. To date, Partner has conducted balcony inspections services on 75 properties in California on a staggering schedule. Most of these structures are garden-style 2-3 story apartments with walkways and exterior elevated elements. Partner collaborated with the property managers to prioritize buildings with visible issues for inspection/repair.
“Partner is a trusted advisor and reliable service provider. They stay one step ahead of regulatory changes and have helped our team make informed decisions. They are a big help with our capital budgeting when it comes to meeting compliance requirements.”
— Jeremy Metz, Sr. Vice President of Jamboree Management