Partner Engineering and Science provided geotechnical engineering services utilizing the engineering geologist of record on the design team for the project.
The team was tasked with the design of a new critical care hospital campus with 130,000 square feet of the new building footprint. As a critical care site, the building falls under the jurisdiction of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and under the review of the State Geologists office.
Partner’s services included a Geologic Hazards Analysis, submitted to the State Geologists office. Geologic exploration included continuous coring methods in weathered rock and test pits logged by a Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG). Hazards analyzed included liquefaction, land-sliding, deep fills, and retaining walls over 20 feet in height. Earthwork estimates on the site are roughly 150,000 cubic yards of mass grading.
In addition, Partner performed a Geotechnical Engineering Report for the project, providing recommendations for processing of deep fills, slope stability analysis of final and temporary cut conditions for new retaining walls, Foundation Bearing Capacity, and Settlement estimates, etc. Services included geotechnical soil borings, field infiltration testing, laboratory testing in a certified testing laboratory, and test pits. Reports were approved through the city and state with minimal comments.