As wildfires have become regular occurrences in southern California, Partner recognizes the difficulties that property owners face to bounce back.
Partner’s experienced multi-disciplinary team is ready to help businesses and property owners get through the aftermath of fire events, providing a custom suite of post-fire response services to protect the health and safety of current and future occupants, and get the property back up and running again as soon as possible.
Our team is well-versed with the property and post-fire site assessments, as well as the fire cleanup procedure to help the property/site become usable again. Our fire response team consists of certified USEPA Hazardous Materials Emergency Response experts, experienced Industrial Hygiene (CIH) professionals, Environmental Health & Safety experts, Professional Geologists, and Environmental Consultants.
Our team provides services and trusted consultations for commercial/construction lenders, residential and commercial building owners, and insurance brokers/carriers, as well as for various property types, including healthcare facilities, schools, and senior living facilities.
Learn more about our service offerings below:
Do you use independent and accredited laboratories for data analysis?
Yes – we work with the leading industry laboratories across the nation.
Is your team certified to conduct these assessments?
Yes – our team consists of certified professionals with years of experience, including Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), EPA Certified Lead-Based Paint Inspectors, EPA Certified Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessors, and more.
Contact one of our team members to learn more about how we can help.