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March 5, 2015

HUD Introduces New Tools As Part of Revised Underwriting Guidance

By JR Lephew


The ultimate goal of any sports team is to win championships, and there has been a remarkable movement toward using data-based models to help build a winner. If you’re a sports fan, you’re probably familiar with the terms “advanced statistics” or “advanced analytics”. Appropriately, as it is draft season for the NFL, you may have been hearing about the annual “combine“, in which athletes are tested on multiple, standardized metrics so teams can get a better sense of their value leading up to draft day. The general idea behind this is that through the collection and analysis of advanced statistics, measures, and/or data for each athlete, trends can be discerned and decisions can be made based on tendencies. The data can then be used to predict potential future outcomes.

Continue reading the GlobeSt blog here.

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