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Jason Coray, PE, SE

Technical Director - Seismic Division



California Registered Professional Civil Engineer C56496
California Licensed Structural Engineer S4926
Hawaii Licensed Structural Engineer PE-161114
Oregon Professional Civil Engineer 83436PE
State of Washington Professional Structural Engineer 46168
Structural Engineering Certification Board (SECB) 1102-0705


B.S. Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Certificate in Finance, Investment Portfolio Management, University of California, Berkeley


Jason G. Coray has worked for Partner since July 2022. He is responsible for the technical direction of the Seismic Division, mentoring, QA/QC, process optimization, professional activities, industry advancement, and national standardization.

Prior to joining Partner, Mr. Coray worked for Marx|Okubo analyzing structural and seismic issues involved with property condition assessments, seismic risk assessments, and owner representation services. Before Marx|Okubo, Mr. Coray worked for various engineering firms performing resource management, planning and infrastructure research and development, project management, as well as the design of new and modified industrial, commercial, public (including schools and hospitals), and residential structures, worldwide, the majority of which are located in high seismic or wind zones.

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