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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
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Boise, Idaho

Partner Engineering and Science Inc.’s Boise team understands the Treasure Valley’s and Idaho’s growing economy and the increased population. We have worked closely with Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) and built relationships with the many smaller communities throughout the state to aid in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process.

Our local knowledge and extensive 2,000+ project history allows us to provide quick turn around times and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.  For example, through our relationship with the City of Meridian Planning Department we know that a monitoring well onsite is most likely related to a French drain stormwater management feature and not a previous subsurface investigation.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Partner provides both local and nationwide Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Most reports are performed to meet the standards of ASTM E1527-21 or meet our client's customized reporting standards. Partner often customizes reports to meet individual client or agency lender (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac) requirements.
Property Condition Assessment Reports
Partner provides lenders and real estate investors with Property Condition Reports. Partner architects, engineers, and commercial building inspectors inspect the subject property in order to gain an understanding of the condition of the building. Our reports meet ASTM E2018-08 guidelines.
Phase II Environmental Testing
Partner performs Phase II Environmental Testing either in support of a financing decision, property transaction or to meet agency requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Typically our reports are performed to meet the standards set by ASTM E1903-11. Our environmental professionals understand the unique hydrogeology and variable geology found in Florida, such as karst topography.
ALTA Land Title Surveys and Zoning Services
Partner is a coordinator and preparer of ALTA/NSPS Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, and Zoning Reports across the United States for use in commercial transactions. We effectively handle and facilitate the coordination of land surveyors, title, ordering, process, product, and delivery. We manage the entire process of acquiring your survey and can effectively manage single-site or multi-site transactions. Our extensive network allows us the flexibility to provide a registered professional land surveyor for any site location—nationwide—with competitive pricing. We will coordinate all questions and comments from all transaction parties with the site surveyor and furnish reliable timely surveys all from one point of contact.
Asbestos Survey
While conducting a Phase I ESA, Partner does a visual evaluation of accessible areas for the presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs). Should it become evident that Asbestos-Containing Materials may be present, Partner can perform sampling and testing to evaluate if Asbestos-Containing Material is in fact present.
Zoning Services
A zoning report is a necessary part of many real property transactions because the current owner is responsible for existing zoning violations. Partner’s Zoning Reports take usage regulations, Riverside, and municipality provisions into consideration as well as other regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Facility Condition Assessment Reports
Empower your real estate strategy with Partner's dedicated Facilities Condition Assessment and Solutions team. We kickstart the process by delving into your unique business objectives, crafting a bespoke approach to align with and elevate your goals. Our suite of services, anchored by Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs), is designed to bolster capital planning, ensure regulatory compliance, uphold corporate standards, facilitate lease negotiations, secure funding, and beyond.
Accessibility & ADA Surveys
An Accessibility Review is an evaluation of a property’s compliance with applicable federal, state, and local accessibility regulations. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal regulation that was passed in 1990 with no “grandfathering” clause for older facilities. Accessibility Reviews can be completed for existing facilities, pre-construction plan reviews for new construction, barrier removal reviews, and corrective design for plan checks.
Roofing & Facility Management Plan
Crafted specifically for each location, a Roofing & Facility Management Plan serves as a tailored blueprint, meticulously designed to navigate and mitigate risks inherent in commercial real estate assets. It encompasses an exhaustive assessment of onsite elements, encompassing mechanical, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, roofing management plans, and building envelope systems. At its core, the Facility Management Plan aims to comprehensively document onsite infrastructure and its optimal functionality, serving as a proactive shield against potential losses and safeguarding the integrity of our clients' properties.

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