Are your building envelope expenses going through the roof? In this webinar, CRE expert Jason Lind, joins building envelope expert Logan Merrick, PE, RRC, and facility management expert Josh McCullough, MEng, EIT, to discuss money-saving strategies for each phase of the lifecycle of your roofs–and other building systems, too.
October 17,2024 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern
Jason Lind is a Principal at Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. With more than 20 years of experience in commercial real estate, Mr. Lind brings client-side perspective as well as consulting expertise in the areas of acquisition due diligence and transactional support, institutional asset management, and corporate facility management.
Logan Merrick, PE, RRC, is a Senior Project Manager in Partner’s Building Envelope Solutions practice. He has over 10 years in facility condition management with emphasis on roof systems. As a Registered Roof Consultant (RRC) and certified Rope Access Technician (SPRAT), Mr. Merrick has assessed and consulted on hundreds of commercial roofs.
Josh McCullough, MEng, EIT, is Technology Product Manager as well as Program Manager of Partner’s Asset Data Collection and Management services team. His combined experience in facility condition assessment and data technology yields valuable insights for asset and facility managers seeking to leverage technology to improve facility and portfolio performance.