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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.

WAIRE Program Consulting

Rule 2305: The Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) Program was enacted in 2021 in California and aims to reduce nitrogen oxide and diesel emissions associated with warehouses, especially in communities located near warehouses in the South Coast AQMD.  

Owners and operators of warehouses located in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) that have 100,000 square feet or more of indoor space in a single building must comply. Warehouse operators may be exempt from parts of the rule if they control less than 50,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space in the building. 

Partner’s team of sustainability professionals and renewable energy experts have experience working with industrial properties and can help warehouse owners and operators stay compliant with the WAIRE Program by analyzing warehouse data, preparing WAIRE annual compliance reports, and evaluating offsets as well as decarbonization pathways, such as assessing the feasibility of installing EV charging stations and/or solar power.  

Contact Partner today to learn more about the program and how we can help.  

What's Involved

The Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) Program aims to reduce nitrogen oxide and diesel emissions associated with warehouses. Partner helps to:

  • Prepare the Warehouse Operations Notification (WON) report and submit it to SCAQMD 
  • Determine the applicability of compliance requirements  
  • Prepare the Initial Site Information Report (ISIR) and submit it to SCAQMD
  • Review truck trip data and estimate annual WAIRE point obligations 
  • Prepare annual WAIRE compliance reports  
  • Evaluate eligible offsets and compliance pathways  
  • Design and oversight of WAIRE compliance infrastructure solutions 

Related Insights

Frequently Asked Questions

The WAIRE program is phased in over time based on warehouse size. 

Phase 1: Warehouse size is greater or equal to 250,000 sq. ft. Initial Report due 7/1/2022. First Annual WAIRE Report due 1/31/2023. 

Phase 2: Warehouse size is greater or equal to 150,000 sq. ft. but less than 250,000 sq. ft. Initial Report due 7/1/2023. First Annual WAIRE Report due 1/31/2024. 

Phase 3: Warehouse size is greater or equal to 100,000 sq. ft. but less than 150,000 sq. ft. Initial Report due 7/1/2024. First Annual WAIRE Report due 1/31/2025. 


WAIRE is a menu-based point system where warehouse operators need to earn a specific number of points each year. This is based on the number of truck trips made to and from the warehouse each year, with larger trucks such as tractors or tractor-trailers multiplied by 2.5. Operators are required to submit a one-time, Initial Site Information Report (ISIR) about their operations as well as Annual WAIRE Reports. 

The points are earned in three ways: 

  1. Completing any combination of actions in the WAIRE menu 
  2. Completing actions in an approved, site-specific custom WAIRE Plan 
  3. Paying a mitigation fee, which can be substantial depending on size of warehouse 


Warehouse owners are required to submit basic information in a Warehouse Operations Notification (WON) report about the building and their tenants. Only warehouse operators must earn WAIRE Points, but owners can opt-in if they choose and transfer points to their tenants.

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