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Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
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Central Valley, California

Partner has a significant presence in the Central Valley (San Joaquin Valley) of California. The Partner Central Valley Office provides Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Environmental testing, Property Condition Assessments, Seismic Evaluations, Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, ADA Compliance and Radon Surveys as well as Zoning and ALTA Land Surveys in support of commercial real estate transactions and site development. Partner also employs engineers to prepare Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCCs) per 40 CFR 112 for fueling, farming, and bulk oil facilities. Cody Taylor heads the Central Valley office with more than 20 years of experience in the environmental and engineering consulting field, preparing/managing thousands of site assessments for Central Valley developers and lenders.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Partner is the national leader in Phase I Environmental Site Assessments by volume. Phase I ESA reports are performed to meet the standards of ASTM E1527-21 and specific national and local lender requirements. Partner’s Central Valley staff grew up and were educated in the Central Valley, and have prepared thousands of site assessments throughout the San Joaquin Valley, thus providing a local continuity for cost-effective due diligence assessments.
Property Condition Assessment Reports
In addition to providing Phase I ESAs, Partner provides Property Condition Assessments and Commercial Building Inspections for a wide variety of clients; including, CMBS lenders, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac lenders, and equity clients. Property Condition Assessments are performed to comply with ASTM E2018-08 guidelines, and assist in determining immediate repairs for roofing, building envelope, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, paving, and ADA standards.
Probable Maximum Loss Reports
Partner provides probabilistic, Level 1 Seismic Risk Assessment (SRA) with Probable Maximum Loss (PML) estimation in accordance with ASTM E2026-07 (Standard Guide for Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings) and ASTM E2557-07 (Standard Practice for Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Evaluations for Earthquake Due-Diligence Assessments). The findings of this scope of work can be used in a due diligence package to obtain financing and is a useful tool in understanding expected damage during a future seismic event. Loss estimates can be measured against the option for seismic hazard mitigation should the loss estimates exceed an acceptable level (i.e. a PML (SEL) greater than 20%, which is the lending industry’s generally accepted risk threshold). A typical SRA calculates the expected or mean level loss for a particular building or complex of buildings based on a number of primary characteristics including the age of the structure (established the building code used for a basis of design), the construction type, number of stories, foundation systems, lateral force resisting systems, unique building configuration, structural vulnerabilities and regional site hazards such as landslide potential and soil liquefaction susceptibility. The approach uses a statistical calculation that incorporates site-specific seismic hazard with a “fragility curve” that estimates building damage based on differing levels of expected ground shaking.
Phase II Environmental Testing
Partner performs Phase II Environmental Testing either in support of a financing decision or to meet the requirements of the CERCLA’s Innocent Landowner Defense. Most of our reports are performed to meet the standards set by ASTM E1903-11, and may include soil and groundwater assessments, Underground Storage Tank (UST) removals, soil vapor studies, and geophysical surveys. Partner Central Valley staff understand the local geology of the San Joaquin Valley, as well as regulatory agencies including the Regional Water Quality Control Board and County CUPAs which provide oversight of Phase II assessments and tank removals/cleanup.
Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, and Radon Surveys
While conducting a Phase I ESA, Partner completes a visual evaluation of accessible areas for the presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs) and Lead-Based Paint (LBP). If desired as part of a property due diligence or required by a lender, sampling of suspect ACM and LBP can be conducted to determine if proper abatement should be conducted as part of project renovation/demolition. Additionally, if the building materials are in good condition, an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan can be prepared for property management records and tenant disclosure. Furthermore, if the subject property is determined to exist in a geographical radon zone, radon testing can be conducted by Partner to assess potential radon gas accumulation within the building.
Zoning and ALTA Land Surveys
Partner is a coordinator and preparer of ALTA/NSPS Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, and Zoning Reports across the United States for use in commercial transactions. We effectively handle and facilitate the coordination of land surveyors, title, ordering, process, product, and delivery. We manage the entire process of acquiring your survey and can effectively manage single-site or multi-site transactions. Our extensive network allows us the flexibility to provide a registered professional land surveyor for any site location—nationwide—with competitive pricing. We will coordinate all questions and comments from all transaction parties with the site surveyor and furnish reliable timely surveys all from one point of contact. A Zoning Report is a necessary part of many real property transactions because the current owner is responsible for existing zoning violations. Partner’s Zoning Reports take usage regulations, local and municipality provisions into consideration as well as other regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any Facility Which Meets The Following Criteria: (aka Bulk Oil or Fuel Stored in Aboveground Storage Tanks) - Facility must be non-transportation-related; - Facility must have an aggregate aboveground storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons or a completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 gallons; - Facility where a reasonable expectation of a discharge into or upon navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines; and - Facility where State or Local Regulatory Agency requires a Spill Prevention Plan in accordance with 40 CFR 112. Types of Facilities: Commercial, Residential, and Industrial Properties, Bulk Storage Plants, Mining/Batch Plants, Marinas, Equipment Yards, Cogeneration Plants, Trucking Facilities, Oil Production, Storage and Refining Facilities, Dairies, Agricultural Properties, Cold Storage Facilities, Processing Plants, Cattle Ranches

Digging Deeper

Central Valley Experience
  • Phase I ESA, PCA, PML, and Asbestos/Lead O&Ms – Large Multi-Family Apartment Complex; Fresno, CA – Insurance Company and Capital Group
  • Phase I and II ESA – Church Property; Fresno, CA – National Lender
  • Seismic Evaluation – Airport Property; San Luis Obispo, CA – National Lender
  • Phase I ESA – 5,000-Acre Agricultural Property; Huron, CA – Local Developer
  • Phase I ESA – Industrial Property; Fresno, CA – Local Buyer
  • Phase I ESA, PCA, PML – Former Pharmacy Property; Stockton, CA – Regional Developer
  • Phase I ESA, PCA, PML – Office/Warehouse Conversion; San Francisco, CA – Regional Investment Firm
  • Phase I ESA – Proposed Restaurant; Rohnert Park, CA – National Food Franchise
  • Phase I ESA – Large Oil Field; Bakersfield, CA – Regional Developer
  • Phase I ESA – Large Farming Operation; San Joaquin, CA – Regional Developer

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Partner is the leading provider of engineering, environmental, construction, energy, and valuation consulting for the commercial real estate industry. We help our clients manage risk, make smart investments, optimize asset performance, and win at their real estate investment strategies.
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