Partner provides full service NJ Right to Know (RTK) compliance support to public employers such as schools, municipalities, and counties throughout New Jersey, and Community Right to Know (CRTK) compliance support to private employers. The RTK regulations require employers to submit a complete hazardous substance survey (RTK Survey) every five years. During the interim years, employers must submit a RTK Survey for any additional hazardous substances which have come into their facility during that year. The surveys are due July 15th every year.
The online filing requirement for the New Jersey Community RTK Survey deadline to file is July 15th.Please contact Partner for details or for a quote to comply with the new online filing requirements. Failure to submit the RTK Survey by the deadline subjects both public and private employers to a minimum penalty of $1,000.00 per missing survey.
As an example, a Township might report RTK surveys for the following locations: Department of Public Works, Town Hall, Public Library, 10 Pump Stations, Police Department, Park’s Department, Senior Center, and Water Treatment Plant. If the RTK Surveys are not submitted by July 15th, the Township could be subject to $17,000 in fines.
Partner will prepare and submit your online Right to Know Survey to the New Jersey Department of Health for each of your facilities required to report a RTK Survey. Our clients are provided with all the necessary paperwork, along with the address labels, to submit all their RTK Surveys to the required agencies.
In addition to having your RTK Survey prepared, Partner can:
There are currently three agencies that implement and provide enforcement of the RTK act throughout New Jersey: the NJ Department of Health (NJDOH), the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and the NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development (NJLWD). These three agencies work together to administer and enforce various aspects of the RTK. Whether an employer is public or private will determine which type of survey is completed, what information is required, and to which agency the survey is submitted . If the employer is public, the RTK survey will be sent to the NJDOH. Private employers are required to send their Community RTK (CRTK) to the NJDEP. For more information, visit